Der Adventskalender

The calendar was used as a kind of help to count down the days till christmas. The early calendars are asumably produced in 1851. German Portestans used this kind for the first time. Those calendars did definetelly not look like, like ours today. Parents hang each day a new picture on the wall or you were allowed to scratch of one of 24 chalk lines, on the wall as well. The first printed version came within the first decade of the 20th century. It was a sheet of paper with 24 pictures printed on. The kids had to cut them out and glue them to another sheet with 24 fields. Because the Adventskalender is a german invention - The chocolate filled one as well. Already from the 1930s on, the calender with chocolate behind each door, spreat all over Germany. After the second World War the Adventskalender came also to Poland. The biggest free reachable calender is in Leipzig. It messures 857 squaremeter. Each window is 3m high. The smallest belongs to Regensburg. Scietists made one, which just can be seen with a microscop. Each window is 2 mikrometer "gib". (Watch the pictures):D